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Frequently Asked Questions

When will my item be shipped?
We aim to send every order made between 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday on the same day. Our standard delivery is sent Royal Mail 48. This will usually take up to 2-3 business working days to arrive.
Can I track my item?
If your item has been dispatched via one of our courier options, your order confirmation will include a tracking number to be used on the appropriate website.
What do I do if I have an error with my item?
If you have any issues in regards to your item, you can make a call to (INT +44) 07468 509819
. You can also message us through our 'let's chat' as well as the email provided. We will do our best to assist you immediately.
What is your returns policy?
If you need to return your item for whatever reason, we can accept returns up to 30 days after a purchase was made. Please contact us via email for the most ideal returns address or view our returns policy
What international countries do you ship to?
We welcome orders from all around the world including all of Europe, Asia, North America, Australasia and much of Africa. Please contact us directly for our up to date shipping options to any country in Latin America.
How do I request an invoice?
We don't send invoices as normal, but if you do require one, please either leave a note with your order for us to send one, or feel free to contact us through phone or email afterwards and we will send one over to you.
My discount code doesn't work!
Our coupon code is strictly for our website, they will not work on Amazon, Ebay or Etsy Purchses. 
My tool has grease/oil on it, how should I remove it?
Some of our tools will arrive with a layer of grease on to prevent rusting when in storage and shipping. You can simply remove it by washing in warm soapy water and be sure to dry it thoroughly. 
Your die can sometimes be a struggle to pull apart, we recommend warming them up a little or lightly tapping them with a hammer.

Please contact us via our email - or 07468 509819

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Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am-3pm
We will aim to dispatch all orders on the same day within these times

Registered Address: Phoenix House, 2 Braithwaite Road, Long Melford, Sudbury
CO10 9FS

Contact Telephone: 07468 509819 
International: +44 
7468 509819
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